Outdated projectile delag, crappy netcode, community full of people with dementia, by far the most stinky community i've ever seen.
And no, i am not talking about trashtalk, which comes naturally with the Quake package, i am talking about people being able to /cv kick you for dumbfounded reasons or simply because their friend has been waiting in queue for too long and they need to get one man out to let him play; yep, like a mafia spirit.
Which brings me to the next major flaw of how the game is worked out: the queue system.
You can wait in queue for what can be without exaggeration 20 minutes straight if you're unlucky. And after you've waited and waited to play that damn CA match, you can get bad treatment from the aholes around which might not be happy with you playing and whom feel like getting you out.
No complaints about duel, but clanarena servers are severly cancerous. People simply "pretending" to play the way "they" want you to else /cv kick is unacceptable in a multiplayer game.
If it didn't come with the value of simply being Quake with its inherent validity as a piece of software, i would toss Quake Live in the trash.

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2024
