Quiet indeed, the game has no sound in the first playthrough, no music, no sound effect and no voice over which is nice to have in a story game.
You see, the player character is deaf and so is the player and while Dane (whose name you wouldn't know even after your done playing) can read lips and use sign language, there is a good chance that the player cannot.
Somehow they make it possible for you to feel more deaf than a deaf person.

You'd be correct to think that the story is pretty much impossible to follow without any sound/words.
The whole game you'll be struggling to piece together what is even going on.
Most of your time will be spent looking at people talking, in complete silence.

It is only in your second playthrough that you'll be able to play with the sound on and even then it is nothing special.
Considering that the vast majority of players will not play the game twice, let alone after seeing what a disaster it is, I think it is fair to say that this was a very bad idea.

Aside from this the game does not even work that well,
it is filled with glitches and bugs.
The game does not even tell you the controls or mechanics.
My personal peeve is that losing a fight makes you have to watch a woman smiling, staring or making funny faces at you for about 30 seconds, which is pretty insulting especially in a fight where you have no idea how to even damage the enemy (which is a surprising lot of them).

Very bad game, not even funny bad and most of all not worth the 2,99 I paid for it.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2021
