overall narrative is garbage, both the present day events and revolutionary america have pretty flat characters and terrible writing. the voice acting can be okay but at times verges on comical.

encountered a ton of glitches with this too, some minor stuff but a couple of times getting stuck in geometry or falling through walls which forced me to restart missions. wouldn’t be too bad if this wasn’t a remaster of 7 year old game, i would have expected these to be ironed out by now.

the setting (the reason i play these games) is well developed, but not as compelling as renaissance italy or revolutionary france.

the gameplay loop is good, and i actually really like the combat system of the earlier assassin’s creed games, but some of the tailing, chasing, and eavesdropping missions are incredibly monotonous, nor did i really find the ship captaining very fun.

overall pretty mediocre, though i kind of expected as much. is the side content for this supposed to be good? i never found myself itching to do any of it.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2020
