Played with Appreciations and Weatherby

I have a lot of memories with Mario Party when I was a kid. I'm sure I played 3 and 4 somewhere for some reason but most of my core partyin memories lie with Mario Party 6 and 7. I would boot em up in between a fresh sesh of Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix and trying to perfect Always Smiling cause that shit is fuckin FIRE. I would play with the AI cause I didn't really have many who wanted to play party games like this with me and even though those motherfuckers cheated I still had a time with them.

As I've grown older though I tend not to find it that fun to go back to these games in the same way. Dealing with cheating AI that will absolutely dunk on you alone just sounds frustrating in a way that kid me could deal with but the me now just doesn't have the time or patience for.

Now what I do have time for is making friends and having experiences though! When played with friends and especially as like something to bond over it's such a fuckin funny experience. Bowser Jr, that son of a bitch, steamrolling all of us in the first game without any effort, causing us each subsequent game to ignore our goofy deceptions and instead go all in on making sure that little bastard doesn't win. It was so funny the lengths to which we would go to make sure Bowser Jr would lose (or at least not get 1st) while doing small things here and there to benefit ourselves.

The mini-games themselves causing even more laughter as a good chunk of them are absolutely based on luck and shit completely out of your control, which in a way is the fun of a chaotic board game, but can be frustrating when the game can end up being "hey asshole hope ya get first in the turn order/hope your opponents can't read or you lose".

We had so many funny things happen constantly, the amount of times it was Toad Time was pretty funny, the amount of times Bowser Jr was denied anything had me dying, the Board Loop strat being deployed, the happening spaces completely keeping me from doing anything constantly. It all adds to this very funny and very chaotic experience that is Mario Party.

So I know it's kinda weird that in spite of all of that and the clear fun I did have in spite of the actual game itself I'm giving this such a low score. The real answer to that is that I would never play this again on my own really, but for something really comfy like a friend hangout that ain't too serious it's a really funny time and a pretty solid way to get to know people you've been wanting to get to know for a bit.

Anyway, fuck Bowser Jr. If I see Bowser Jr in the streets it's on sight.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023


8 months ago

ermmmm actually its koopa kid nerd emoji

great review though

8 months ago

@FranKle Koopa Kid, Bowser Jr, whatever his name it's on S I G H T

Thank ya!