Super janky on PS4, the touchpad QTEs don't work (and I kept forgetting to turn them off) and the lack of a block button is almost criminal. Oh and the story is just Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme maxi-series but with terrible costume designs.

I love so much about this game, but there are some severe problems with it.
On the one hand, the story is great. Creating a mid-point between the movie version of the team and the version from Abnett and Lanning's comic run is a great move, as it captures the spirit of the movie without feeling like a direct retread with the comic elements giving it more depth.
The voice acting is pretty great too and I was surprised that the cast are all local Montreal actors, as I could have sworn I'd heard some of them in other projects before, but it seems not.
Combat is generally quite fun too. Hectic at times and Peter's gun are pretty useless near the end of the game, but overall it works.
Unfortunately, all of this is let down by technical issues, on this pS4 version at least. There were several points where the frame rate dropped significantly, to almost slideshow levels. These are mostly in battles with lots of enemies on screen at the same time, but not always. It also happened in relatively tame moments, like cut-scenes and seemed to get worse the longer the game had been running without suspension or break.
Worse than this, it crashed on me several times, again while doing nothing more strenuous than an in-engine cut-scene. It's also pretty glitchy. Aim lock-on frequently jumps around wildly, the game at one point stopped responding to input when Peter was walking, I think because it was meant to load in a character event that just didn't happened. Another time, while passing through a narrow gap, the game returned normal control before I'd cleared the gap properly, leaving me stuck.
Scruffy technical issues like this really undermine the experience and I'm a little shocked some of the worst elements haven't been addressed in the six or so patches the game's had.
And on a more subjective level, that Star Lord is the only character to get an outfit based on the DnA era team uniform is supremely disappointing.

A decent enough entry in the series, but I can see why (even though it has Roy, who audiences knew from Smash Bros) Nintendo skipped over it to make the next game the first to be translated to the West. The greater variety of mission parameters and pseudo-training mode in that make it much friendlier and more accessible than this.

Slightly broken by later updates that (seemingly unintentionally) limit your roster of pilots.

Great concept but ultimately too broken to play. Not just because of the few bugs from the English fan translation hack but the game itself is just a mess. There's no actual benefit to equipping any weapons or equipment, it does nothing to your states. Combat gets repetitive really quickly, with a high encounter rate (but fairly trivial difficulty, I assume a last minute bodge fix on the aforementioned equipment bug) and it's really easy to just completely miss stuff. The class system is a clever idea but a chore in practice. The game is incredibly funny though, which is what makes its utterly broken state so frustrating and disappointing.