Very standard, romantic vanilla cohabitation RPG Maker game with a limited cast of characters, the core of which simply being your Childhood Friend and Second Cousin Akira, who is actually a girl per standard plot twists of... games of this kind.

As a game it is atrocious. You have a limited number of actions you can do per game, and a small map segment allowing you to only go to one place per day. There is no time limit, and the game to get Akira Points is grindy enough.

However, grindy as it is, it does properly pace the events, despite the order of events being suitably-questionable to begin with.

The characters... explore themselves long before the kiss, and the tension is so palpable that when they do, you know what follows at that point. And then after that, it's just nonstop 'event' after event.

It's short, but could be shorter still without the grinding.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
