Review of the campaign only

I got fond memories of this one

The alternate 1950s timeline where a parasitic alien invades the world is cool. There’s also a nice variety of weapons that all sound nice when fired, and a neat health system where your life-bar is partitioned into four quartiles that can regenerate individually, but never as a whole, creating a neat blend of having a methodical approach to going ape shit

The problem? The campaign is very imbalanced. There’s a lot of different chimeran species, but aside from the smaller bug-like variants, they’re presented in a form of escalation; each one takes more firepower to kill than the last. This comes from a campaign where the baseline soldier variant already demands more than usual for an introductory foe, taking upwards of 20 shots from a carbine which holds 150 bullets. This is tolerable in open spaces with friendly soldiers on your side, but tedious in narrow corridors being traversed solo

Do I still like it? Sure, I had fun. It’s got problems though

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2023
