The remake lost a lot of the charm the original had and I can't think of a lot of reasons to play this over the original version

The localization is much worse than the fan translation from more than a decade and a half ago and I think it’s the heart of this remakes issues. While there isn't many discrepancies, the ones that are there are horrible and ruin a lot of what made the original translation so special and memorable. I would even go as far to describe them as creative liberty rather than translation. Aeon Genesis got it right in 2008. On the topic of text, in the original game the font for each chapter changed depending on the aesthetic of the chapter itself, and it added a lot to the charm and aesthetic of the game. In the remake, they replaced the fonts with one single generic font... it sounds extremely nitpicky but trust me it does add a lot to the game

The difficulty is easier than the original which is shocking because the game was already easy to begin with, and also some of the new music sounds when compared to the originals, but that's entirely subjective

I don’t think this is a horrible way to play this game, because it is a graphically beautiful game and arguably the best HD2D game, but if possible please do give the original version with the translation

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
