Another anthology, time to play. So let's jump into how I feel about this game. I was very disappointed with this one and it's mostly due to the Spoopy theme not working out. Instead of using the theme as a false sense of security to lure the player into truly disturbing games, the anthology mostly doesn't do that and does exactly what you think it would do. Predictable and nonsensical games that make you question why are they even in a horror anthology in the first place. It would've been much better if Dread X Collection 3 was five games rather than twelve as a mini Dread X instead of a full blown sequel.

I will say though that Dread X Collection 3 did provide a new feature for the series going forward which is great and it's that if you don't like a game, you can just turn it off and the hub world will move forward no matter if you completed the game or not.

Spookware: Nonsensical, overwhelming, barely any story, I honestly wonder why this game is even in the anthology to begin with since it's not a horror game. I know a lot of people love this one which is why it got a standalone game, but it did not work for me at all. If I knew you could skip the games beforehand, I wouldn't have forced myself to finish this one. Absolutely miserable.

Bete Grise: Another game I question was included in the first place. There's barely any horror in here. You are a hotel manager tiding up rooms and when something does happen, the game is nearly over beforehand. It's a fine game, but it would've been better if it had more to offer.

Bubbo: This one was pretty fun. I don't have much to say about this one other than it was fun.

Chip's Tips: This one was hilarious and really fun to play. I like how this game introduces more horror elements as it goes on, but the best part about this game is that you can tell Torple Dook had a lot of fun putting this game together when seeing all the live action footage and it makes the game give a sense of sincerity. This one was great.

Disparity of the Dead: This one I didn't finish and I have no plans to. It all felt disjointed and weird. This one was too weird for me to keep playing.

Eden: Another nonsensical game where you collect monsters for races. Another game that isn't horror related and another I question why it was included in a horror anthology.

Matter Over Mind: This one wasn't bad, but again, it's not a horror game at all.

Nice Screams at Funfair: This one didn't even make any sense to me. You're serving ice cream and you're told to not give tips to yourself, but the game ends with you being killed and the game ends with you being confused. Another game that makes me wonder why it was included.

REACTOR: A 10/10 game. Easily one of the best games of the entire series. Without question, this is Dread X's Alien.

Sato Wonderland: Another fantastic game and for once, the Spoopy theme is used to its full potential here to create a truly disturbing game to go through. Absolute perfection, I have zero issues with this one.

Soul Waste: A boring platformer with some nice music. The controls are really icy and sometimes you're just running endlessly. The final boss here was also a snoozefest. Not a terrible one, but it would've been better if the things mentioned here were improved with more tightly constrained content.

Submission: This is the one game in the series that I feel safe to call pretentious. This one was all over the place and boring in other places. Didn't like this one at all.

The Lone Castle (Dread X 3 Hub): A fantastic wrap around for the anthology. I love the writing at play here, the castle itself is fun to explore, and the way it ends is also fantastic. I have no issues with this one.

Overall, Dread X Collection 3 was very disappointing for me. There are some awesome games in here which is why I do recommend playing it, but most of the games in here don't do it for me. If you're wanting to play it, I suggest only playing REACTOR, Sato Wonderland, Bubbo, Chip's Tips, and just skipping the rest. If you don't want to do that then be my guest. I do hope the next two games are better.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022
