I didn't think it was as bad as everyone seems to think. The candy system feels a little annoying when you're going for the trophies in this game, it's a loooong grind.

- Cutscenes animation style was awesome, really liked the hand drawn animation. Would watch an animated series about the guy if they ever made one.
- I enjoyed the stretching Katamari mechanic, especially because they allowed the devs to get creative with hiding presents and other collectibles, made you look in every little corner.
- quite challenging to get a high score, made me replay a lot of levels which I thought was a good thing.

- 3D king is mad ugly, very terrifying and odd to look at. Missed the badass king playing this.
- You need way to much candy to purchase stuff, sometimes it felt like a was playing a F2P mobile game.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023
