After spending over 25 hours with this game and purchasing the BMX DLC I kind of changed my mind on it.

Essentially I thought the core gameplay was good and this hasn't changed. Doing crazy air tricks on a bike or snowboard feels amazing! Although I think they could go more arcade and make it even more awesome, this becomes apparent when you play the BMX career which allows you to link tricks with manuals. This gives you the opportunity to make HUGE 100k+ combos.

The second big YES for Riders Republic is it's locations. As a fan of extreme sports you're constantly bombarded with awesome looking snow parks, slopes and other cool stuff. I was blown away seeing the BMX Skatepark or the VANS park. CAN'T WAIT what locations they will introduce with the new Skateboard DLC.

Another nice addition are the multiplayer features, I enjoyed most of the mass races and other trick based activities. Makes the game playability even longer.

Let's look at the cons. One BIG BIG con for me are the air events. Maybe because I sucked at them but I can't remember Air events being this annoying in Steep. I didn't even finish the air career, that's how infuriating it was. Being forced to "backtrack" after bailing, sometimes making me get stuck on the ground that way because I couldn't correct my course even after backtracking was a HUGE pain in the ass. Just drop me off mid flight near next checkpoint and let me play! The only time I used jetpack was to fly to events that were further away.

Other con for me is very little customization options. I felt like Steep was waaay ahead on this feature. A lot of micro transaction stuff but very little unlockable content. Also with the addition of bikes I feel like they should let you modify your gear a LOT MORE. I mean one major component of extreme / gear based sports IS your gear and how you make it your own. It would be cool if you could modify your bike with different parts and colors for example. In this game the gear doesn't matter this much you just use the one with the best stats.

All in all Riders Republic is a fun game and I see myself playing it from time to time with addition of the new seasons. I mean skateboard DLC is coming in september!! Hyped for that!

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
