For a licensed IP game they put in a lot here. The open world of NYC is fantastic. Obviously swinging around is one of the best experiences but walking the streets is a blast too. Watching the other pedestrians realize Spider-Man is next to them and watching them freak out never gets old. What does get old is the combat. While this is much approved upon the first one after hitting double digit hours it starts grating. The bad guys become over powered where you have to hit everyone too many times. Then some can't be attacked by anything but specials which means you have to do exponentially more combat. I've had to stop playing a few times because my hand is swelling up from mashing buttons an hour straight.

The story so far has been outstanding. Love the new take on Venom story. Again though there are times where the story takes over for too long and you want to just be able to play again.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
