Uncharted 1 is a bad introduction to a series that I really hope gets better. The game does not hold up at all. The graphics and animations are bad, the very little puzzles suck and the story is just mid. But by far the biggest problem is the gameplay. The platforming is straight up dog shit, it is incredibly annoying and frustrating and not one bit fun. But worst of all is the combat and shooting. The combat in this game is so unbelievably dog shit it hurts me. Especially on any difficulty above easy. The enemies have the dumbest fucking hit boxes and amount of health, and they can hit you from fucking space if they wanted too. Which isn't helped by the fact your guns do 0 zero if its not a headshot but there guns one shot you. WHICH IS NOT HELPED by the insane amount of enemies they throw at you in every encounter. This game is really repetitive and the only thing I liked about it was the cool characters. 3/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #54

Reviewed on May 04, 2024
