I called the console version a missed opportunity, but man does this embody being a missed opportunity.

Elephant in the room, Modern and Classic are both 2D. Which would be fine if classic was dedicated to the basics and Sonic being like Rush. However, the 3DS does not lend itself to 2D platformers in my opinion, and I loathe the dpad placement. And 3 zones in they give Classic a homing attack/jump dash, blending the hedgehogs together.

In terms of content, levels, and bosses, this game lacks anything I'd call charm from the console version. Would've been a great opportunity to focus more on handheld games, but we only walk away with one Rush level and technically a Colors DS level. Rival battles also reuse zone assets on top of being already super annoying.

Actual bosses are hit and miss. Big Arm kinda sucked. Biolizard is a weird choice but honestly it's a concept I wish they messed more with. Egg Emperor is neat but... Feels weird for a game with no Heroes stage.

Time Eater is better but not by much.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2021
