Demo Thoughts: I'm gonna log this since I can't log or see my own thoughts on remake right now due to the limitations of the site so I just wanna get my thoughts out there for other people to see.

Anybody who knows me knows that I am not terribly fond of this series because anytime I've played any game from this franchise I keep circling my own thoughts like "what in the fuck is the decision making with anything that goes on with these games." where I feel like the people in charge desperately want to make something unique that stands out but the execution is always fucking garbage.

The writing of Star Ocean games have no sense of pacing they always try to rush through everything as quickly as possible and then ask you to care about the things that are going on as well it's utterly annoying.

And then I play the demo for Second Story R and suddenly it's like somebody at Tri-Ace woke the fuck up and tried to make something worth somebodies time for once.

The combat was basic but still very easy to understand and fulfilling to play, and the story actually takes the time to establish stuff and make you care about the main characters from what little I got to play before the demo cut me off. Timed demo's are stupid is my main take away from this. I will pick up the remake at some point. It was legitimately the first time I had ever enjoyed my time playing a Star Ocean game. Not once did the thought cross my mind that ALWAYS crosses my mind when playing these games which is "why the fuck would I play this when Tales games are right there?"

for the love of God.
I want the quest to find a good Star Ocean game to end here.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
