When starting an RPG, especially one that is inspired by some of the most renowned and memorable 16-bit games of all-time, it's important to know if the journey is worth the hours. With Chained Echoes, it is rare that you'll feel like you could be doing something better with your time.

The story of Chained Echoes gives the player many twists, turns, and unexpected events that don't feel like an homage to what came before. It feels fresh, like a new coat of paint on a classic car. The battle system has more than meets the eye, and the characters have such winning personalities that I felt connected to nearly every one of them.

The score doesn't contain any standouts, and there are some clumsy mechanics when it comes to the sky armors, but the way this game makes me feel is superb. It's a send-up of Chrono Trigger, but stands on its own at the same time. Without spoiling the ending I'll say this: I felt very fulfilled by this game in a way that many AAA titles just can't seem to do.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2023
