This game is pretty famous for its funny sanity effects, and coming into this i was expecting just to be exploring a creepy luigis mansion with those happening. What I was not expecting was to be meandering around the mansion for about 12 minutes before being thrown back in time into a damn Pontius Pilate wanna be and unlocking the ancient powers of a lovecraftian god. The game then takes you on a whirlwind of human history with over a dozen characters throughout time fighting to stop this god, knowingly or not. The sanity effects are such a cool mechanic layered over an already very cool game, and i am surprised there's never been a game since that's tried to emulate it. Lots of them caught me super off guard like the random exploding head, walking into a room that's upside down, and the flash cut to "Find out what happens in the sequel" screen. Even past the main gimmick of the sanity effects it is just very well done survival horror game, and having enemies drain sanity until you kill them to get it back is a great system of forcing the player to interact with the video game, but also let you easily get your sanity down if you want to see more of the funny jumpscares.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
