Biomutant is a game that tries to be a lot of different things, but also doesn’t try hard enough to commit to be any of them.

It’s an open world 3rd person shooter action adventure puzzle platforming rpg.

The open world is fine enough, with beautiful and mostly interesting environments, although some area can look very samey (all sewers look almost exactly the same, for example).

Biomutant claims to focus on ‘kung-fu’ combat, but is so inefficient that you’re better off using anything else. Finding or making a halfway decent gun will get you get through the game just fine.

The ‘puzzles’ aren’t even worth being called puzzles. For the most part you just rotate knobs until the yellow and white parts face in the direction of the matching color. You also have to be lucky to get a puzzle that can be solved within 10 moves. The game also tells you that increasing your intellect stat will increase the number of moves for these puzzles, but I saw no such thing happen in my playthrough.

The platforming elements are slippery, for lack of a better word. Constantly getting stuck in a rock or something, accidentally activating glide which just makes you fall down almost instantly, etc.

The story, what little of it there is, is basic. Which would be fine, but every single line of dialogue is a rough translation of they are saying. Which leads to you hearing the narrator say the same 5 or so lines over and over.

Biomutant is not as bad as people say it is. The game is kind of a fun ‘turn your brain off and shoot things’ type of game.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
