This old reboot initial pull lies in its cosmetic pop, strong celshading and appealing designs of our two main characters that makes for a promising premise with their sparkingly sarcastic personalities.

And really while the ingredients are all present here, the saturation often pales in dull monotony and predictability through the progressional structure and repeated use of similar assets, hurting the otherwise stronger merits that precides to engage.

The gameplay overall is fairly challenging but not unforgiving.
The platforming is fun, the puzzles do their job and doesnt overstay their welcome, while the combat is entirely like/dislike depending on whether you like half seconds reactionbased battles with spontanous qte prompt or not.
As long as you can be at peace with a predictable narrative pattern, some drawn out collectaton grinding and recycled everything you might find some good spots worth your precious time.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024


4 months ago

I remember long ago I saw a cousin of mine play this, and it was bizarre to learn it was a PoP title. I grew up w/ SoT, so seein this was both weird as hell with its non-difficulty and writing antics, yet also oddly intriguing cause of everything else.

Always wanted to give this a shot but I always feel like (re)playing prior UbiPOP titles beforehand so it's just, never got the chance.

4 months ago

I had a similar thing going on with it ever since it launched. Tried the introductory part and it didnt click right and put it away until recently, although I've always been curious about it and liked its aestetic charm. And loove the original trilogy. It's at its best a relaxing platformer, not as exciting, but fine if you don't expect too much of it.