Epic Mickey 2 exhibits the same visual finesse and melancholy charm as its predecessor. The cutscenes are gorgeous with lush animations, great voice acting and charmy musicals. Style is the crop of the cream, meanwhile the narrative and plot skips a majour beat without neither being as clever, cute or memorable as its predecessor.

You'll revisit Wasteland, meet the same characters, travel through the same locales and partner up with an ai teamplayer with the intelligence of a drunk gorilla on a tricycle. Most puzzles and many combat situations requires Oswald and while the game isn't in any way challenging, the constant repeats of Oswald just standing there like a clown and saying "I got this!", "let's do this" is in itself the real trivial challenge of the game . You will get lost in obscurity as the game keeps chanting on you with the same voiced dialogues again and again to do random objectives while it makes zero sense of what you're actually supposed to do.

The flow and general game direction in Epic Mickey 2 is the polar opposite of its predecessor.

The original Epic Mickey presented itself with a journey through the Wastelands, a wonderous melancholy world of relics, remnants and throwbacks to lost and forgotten tales. From the beginning you started out with separate levels with alternate choices and while the narrative had more budget constraints, the tale had heart and told a story to embrace old history and accept the new. In Epic Mickey 2 everyone is a fuckwad completely embazzled by the most predictable villain.

The intruiging dark and bittersweet entity of the world is replaced with familiarity and indifference as Mickey and Oswald already know who they're meeting and where they're travelling. There is no real journey, just a bloat with 10 times more of fetch questing and a fraction of platforming levels threwn in at the finale parts and then the game just ends with an underwhelmingly short main story.

Epic Mickey 1 is one of my favourite platformers and it's sad how the sequel which they promised so much from just doesn't strike the same colours.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
