Chain of Memories hosts a unique card system and tells the tale of events that transpired inbetween the two first mainline games.

The main story sequences are boosted from its gba predecessor with both voice acting and great cinematography, while the disney worlds which are mostly recycled story treads only has text dialogues.

While the disney world really feels like simply recaps of what sora went through it works in the context of the story although it can be a bit tiresome if you've already played KH1, the main story is however very awesome and provides more context to what really happened in castle oblivion as well as more explanations of what some of the majour characters are going through, like Riku, Axel and Namine.

As for the gameplay, regardless of its quality, it doesn't leave much room for handholding. There's a few and vague tutorials at the early points of the game and from there on it's your call to call the shots, optimise and experiment your playstyle.

The card system takes a huge precedence over the entire game, and while there are similar mechanics to the mainline series there are rules and limitations that makes the battle system play out very differently.

When you learn how to properly make use of sleights, zero cards and enemy cards, Chain of Memories gameplay can be pretty addictive and satisfying to break through, at least once you clear past its bumpy learning curve.

Here's a few tips and tricks to keep in mind for the journey, as the game itselfs hardly conveys this to you.

-When levelling make sure to not overprioritize only HP.
CP (card points/amount of cards) and sleights are very crucial add-ons for the late game bosses.

-With high CP you can fill your deck with more high number cards and more powerful cards with three zeros tucked away in the very back.

-Dodge rolling is useful against normal attacks, but will rarely save you from enemy sleights as they have trajectory.

- If a boss throws out a sleight, flip backwards in your deck and use a zero. The bosses will each turn permamently lose their primary card in their sleights just like you would.

-Keep the zeroes close to your card shuffler so you can cancel attacks while reloading.

- make sure to check and use enemy cards, they are complete gamechangers.

-when in doubt spam the lethal frame sleight for bosses.
(you'll eventually learn that from the sleights toggle in the level up section)

-Do NOT premium any cards aside from the ones you use in sleights!

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023
