Built from the same engine as its predecessor, Adventure 2 made its way jam packed with the equal formula of diversifying gameplay styles into a more linear narrative with dank, edgy and so cheesy it's good vibe tale of good and evil goes to space and Knuckles.

The added score system ties itself into the three seperate styles of gameplay in different ways but generally in how you perform in stages by doing small tricks, chaining comboes, time bonuses. It feels awesome when you nick a good chunk of points, but can be pretty demotivating when you get low ranks.

On replays I really enjoy trying to go for good ranks and aestetically Sonic Adventure 2 feels like a very arcade authentic game of grabbing good scores while the story mode itself isn't particulary long either. It's well paced and very dynamic.

As for completion and getting all the emblems now that is another story, this can easily rack up the gameplay time for another 60-70 hours of completing all the challenges for emblems, as well as going into the tamagotchi inspired chao garden of pretty insane depth and mundane, but oddly addictive grinding.

I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best and most addictive/rewarding ranking system in the series and while there are a short few couple of stages that are borderline awful, the great ones stands as some of the best in the franchise and the Sonic/Shadow stages are a pure delight of thrill and challenge with an incredible sense of speed.

Adventure 2 is at times more challenging than SA 1, but also a blast to play especially when you get better at it.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
