Alright, let's do this one more time.
Treasures of Aht Urhgan is pretty neat!

I held no real expectations that it would rival Promathia, and I was right, but I don't think it really needed to anyway? It was a nice little story with interesting concepts, dang cool lore, very neat locales and a net boost in production value and presentation.

The cutscenes feel more vibrant, with genuine good comedy finally being conveyed by the presentation, as well as the writing (NEED TANK? SEND TELL), and I also really liked the ost being used specifically for comedic purposes.

Character-wise, I don't think the cast is as stacked as Promathia's but Aphmau and Luzaf were genuinely very well written, especially as dual foils to one another. On top of that, the overall larger stake divine battle between Alexander and Odin englobing the expansion's plot was like SUPER cool, even if the resolution was (by design) open-ended (one day i'll deal with those epilogues bweh).

Something else of note is that I've finished the Windurst questline (the non-S.O.B portion at any rate) in preparation for the next expansion, and it was pretty cool honestly! I'll definitely do the other two before WoG, which will also wait a while cause i'm thinking of taking a break from the game.

But overall, good expansion, I liked it!

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2022
