Follow the banana trail. Follow the banana trail. Exploitative work that cultivates players' drive to obsessively follow every command laid in front of them and grab every so-called "collectible", many of which (like "bananas") are conveniently placed to prime them into mindless action through an immediate but hollow dopamine boost. Under the guise of its much more free-form and speedrun-prone predecessor, DKC2 feigns free agents' thinking freedom while harshly limiting their playstyle and optimization potential, as seen in the linearity of the object placements, and obstructing their curiosity and intuition, as seen in the completely arbitrary camera angles blocking you off from view (further forcing you to obsessively walk into every single corner). Follow the banana trail. Follow the banana trail. Probably commissioned by the government, although that may be giving the level designers too much credit, because it's not even that good of a psy-op.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

This has to be bait right