Describing this game as a simple block pushing puzzle game would be doing it a disservice, even if it’s an accurate thing to say. While you are pushing blocks, and it is a puzzle game, the focus is less on the geometry of blocks and more about what they can represent. To explain what I mean, the title of the game is actually pretty descriptive of what you see in game. The blocks are tiles with words on them, corresponding to the ones in the title. You have subject tiles like “Baba”, verb tiles like “is”, and objects tiles like “you”. An example puzzle would be a wall being in the way between you and the win flag. If nearby tiles said “Wall is stop”, you could move the “stop” tile away from the other two, and walk through the wall which can no longer stop you. While that description makes it sound fairly simple, the amount of possibilities this system allows for a huge problem space. Luckily, the difficulty is presented in a very friendly way, with each completed level opening up multiple options, and getting to the credits only requires about 25% completion. Not only does this help people having trouble with the game, it can also give you an easy out if it still feels too much like a standard block pushing puzzle. While I was one of those people, I have to admit that the cute concept and low price makes it at least worth a look.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2021
