I can't fucking believe that there are contrarians out there that say this game is decent. It isn't.

While I don't dislike Bubsy as a character on principle, this game does him absolutely no favors. It is consistently unfair as hell-- for a multitude of reasons. First, Bubsy accelerates at the pace of a snail, but once he gets going he puts on Luigi's Trademarked Butter Shoes and is damn near impossible to stop. This is already an issue on its own, but in Bubsy 1 you die in one hit and you absolutely will run into things you can't see if you don't inch your way forward. Even when you do that, Bubsy 1 likes to play practical jokes on the player, killing you with something nobody could have ever predicted. This usually occurs due to the incredibly small screen size in practice, and if this game didn't have the ability to forcibly scroll the screen forward by holding the R button, it would be genuinely unplayable.

And as it pertains to the things that aren't the gameplay, they're mediocre at best. The graphics are lacking and generally uninspired. Some of the tracks aren't grating, which is a positive, and I do like Bubsy's comments at the start of each level-- it would be a lot less fucking annoying in a good game where it doesn't kill you all the time.

All around the game is garbage, and Bubsy was never good.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2022
