SRB2 is an enjoyable romp. The base for this game is good-- Sonic and co. control well and speeding through levels feels as good as it it should. The issues lie in the level design, especially after Deep Sea. Castle Eggman starts to introduce precision platforming, which just does not work in this game. The characters accelerate far too slow and once they get going they're too hard to stop. It makes it extremely hard to actually land on the tiny platforms you're supposed to. The level design only gets worse over time, and once you're to the final zone, the game starts throwing unreactable obstacles at you at almost every turn! Because of this, SRB2 is just not fun on a first playthrough at all-- you are bound to get killed by many things you could NOT have seen coming otherwise. Replaying the game mitigates a lot of these things but the level design doesn't change, you just come to expect the unexpected.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2020
