This game is bizarre. It's a by-the-numbers JRPG for the most part. The music's pretty good, also. However, Working Designs has once again provided a highly questionable localization, creating one of the most bizarrely sexist dialogue choices I have ever seen in a commercial product. The rest of the localization is pretty rough, also. It's playable, but you'll be groaning a lot throughout your playthrough. If you can stomach some questionable writing, you might have an okay time with this one.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023


3 months ago

Yeah I'm near the end of it now and for the most part the localisation is just awful.

3 months ago

@FallenGrace Oh absolutely. It's amazing how much Working Designs got away with back then with their localizations. Very glad we don't have to deal with their antics anymore.

3 months ago

This is the first Working Designs localised title I'd played though I'd heard stories, I fully understand why now lol. So many out of place references, poor writing or just generally offensive comments.

3 months ago

@FallenGrace Funnily enough this was also my first time seeing Working Designs in action. I didn't even know about their legacy at that point, so I was just largely confused throughout the game, thinking "Is this really what they were going for in the original script?" Now I know, and man seeing how many games they've done this to is baffling. I'm planning on tackling Magic Knight Rayearth this year, so I'm dreading to see the places that game goes since that was also handled by them.

3 months ago

There are some un-working design patches by fans but I kind of want to see them all in their (not) glory for some reason. I'll keep an eye out for your review of it ha ha.

3 months ago

@FallenGrace I've seen those floating around, as well. When it comes to those patches they're either undubs that remove the English dub and swap it for the JP one or they rebalance the game in question because outside of their horrid localization attempts, Working Designs really liked to make some games way harder than they were in the original japanese release. I've heard my fair share of horror stories regarding how much harder they made the game Alundra, for example. If I'm using an Unworking Designs patch it's going to be to make the difficulty what was originally intended for a game.

I'll definitely have a review cooked and ready once I get through that game. I've already played a bit of it, and while it's fun, the localization is absolutely what you'd expect from them lol. I'm sure I'll have some choice words for it by the time I finish it.