Rare Replay is cool in concept but as you explore Rare's catalogue you'll start to see just how rough most of their portfolio is. Yeah, the Banjo games are cool, Viva Piñata and Kameo are alright, Perfect Dark is decent, but the rest of the offerings on here are middling at best. Games like Conker's Bad Fur Day and Battletoads are grossly overrated, and most of their old computer and NES titles are confusing and often unfair. The more you look at Rare's history, the more you see that they just got really lucky with the Donkey Kong Country and Banjo series of games, and the rest just can't hold up for the most part. There's value in this package with the few good titles here and there, but don't expect to get a ton out of each game featured here.

Also make sure to get it digitally so you can get Goldeneye for free. Physical copies don't get it and it can't be bought as DLC. Physical owners either need to buy the digital version or subscribe to GamePass to access it.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023
