I had a small bit of fun with this one back in my late teens, booting it up on the 360 since Minecraft wasn't out on Xbox yet. The world you could explore wasn't all too big, but it did scratch the itch of exploring and crafting for a small while.

I did not play this game for very long. There is a reason for that.

When this game spawned onto the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace, in it was one enemy you could encounter. This was a spider, which is a familiar foe if you've played Minecraft. Unlike Minecraft's spiders, however, these were much, much scarier than they had any right to be.

Imagine if you were exploring a dark cave and then all of a sudden you saw two red dots in the distance. Then, as you stared back into these eyes in confusion, they silently rose high into the air and then landed a few yards away from you. Now, you can view the creature in its entirety. It is a giant black voxel spider with large red eyes.

It has no animations at all. It "hops" by quickly rising high into the air and falling down close to you. It doesn't blink. It turns in your direction without making a sound.

If you weren't scared of it now, you will be once it hops on top of you.

When a spider approaches you in Minecraft, you'll typically hear these sounds. They do a proper job of conveying what the spider is and its aggressiveness without being too scary, especially since spiders are typically easy to take down.

In Total Miner: Forge, when a spider hops on top of you, it lets out a blood curdling scream that is so loud that it feels like it's going to blow out your television's speakers!

I'm sure that with all of this information, you can easily determine why encountering one of these things in the dead of night in a dark cave made me never want to play this game ever again. Well, that and it wouldn't be long before Minecraft got its proper Xbox 360 port, ensuring the death of all Xbox Live Indie Game Minecraft clones.

If you didn't get to try this out when you could get it on Xbox, I can assure you that you missed out on nothing! Play Minecraft instead!

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023
