An overrated fanfiction disaster that quickly falls apart after the tutorial palace.

Characters are undercooked have little to no chemistry with each other, annoying to poorly written.

The story writing is just pathetically hamfisted and lazy.
Has no idea to handle sensitive themes in the slightest.

The Thrid Semester feels like really bad fanfiction that felt it was written by a 12 year old.

The definition of style over substance and I don't like that.

Just play Persona 3 and 4 instead of this hamfisted flashy fanfiction.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023


1 year ago

I haven't finished P4 yet from the time that I wrote that review, but I'm liking the game so far, then again my views on P4 may change when I completed it.

I did like P5 when it first came out, however I played a ton of JRPGs since then and my views on P5 worsened over the years and Royal while having better gameplay was the final nail of the coffin for me.

I just didn't like about the story direction post the first palace and the characters got worse for me especially Makato, Ryuji and Morgana who I hate with a passion.

Glad you still liked the game though and please learn to understand and respect different opinions.

1 year ago

Good review sis, even though I don't agree with everything.