This game is unskippable if you like video games as a story telling medium. It is -- what I like to call -- that GOOD GOOD. It's obscure, it's a work of art, it's a peek into the window of creative minds creating a standout experience. It's not as good as Earthbound, but when I think of the quirkiness and touching meta-narrative of Moon, I find a lasting memory of fondness for the game right up there with Earthbound in my epic gamer mind.

The devs don't always nail the GAMEPLAY at all times, but I tell you no matter what I was doing in Moon I was engaged and dying to see what was around the corner.

The english patch opened up the ability for more people to access the game, but I don't see people really talking about it. I'll say if you give this game a chance, it will make you feel some shit. Believe that.

God damn I love video games. Thanks, Moon.

Reviewed on Jul 18, 2023
