Pikmin 1 is, I think, the quintessential title for showing what the attitude was like on the Gamecube. It was an underpowered, slept on console that got to focus on developing new IPs and playing with unique modes of gameplay and interaction rather than playing into the new war for fidelity being played by its new competitor the Xbox or the new incarnation of its old rival the PS2. Pikmin is a hail mary franchise of a little space man who has to beat the entire game in a month or die horribly after crashlanding using little carrot people to navigate a hostile world. It rides this line between comfortable, soothing even and dangerous and unknowable. The locations are memorable, specific and textured. The Pikmin themselves are a charming delight and reassurance in the world. It's a package that, as an elevator pitch, would be a hard sell but sticks its landing multiple times over. Shouts out to Pikmin.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023


6 months ago

Underpowered, Gamecube? When?

6 months ago

The Gamecube wasn't underpowered whatsoever.

6 months ago

The Gamecube was not underpowered. It was much more capable than the PS2 and not far behind the original Xbox.

6 months ago

The real gamecube eaters have come out to play. Yes, I understand the gamecube had good internals, my apologies. I wrote this at 4am.