I adored this game as a kid. Even coming back to this game I still love it a lot. It was made for us kids whose parents wouldn’t let us have GTA 3. Can’t gun down civilians on the sidewalk? How about kicking em instead? The amount of weekends I spent kicking Flanders across his garden were too many to count

There are so many references to the show and as someone who watched it, I really do appreciate these callbacks. The three maps and their variations are pretty fun to explore for a bit and again, lots of references to be seen and gags to enjoy.

Technically the game is very simple but it’s a kid game so what do you expect. The driving is decent enough and the combat is as easy as tapping a few buttons (side note I really like the kicking animation, just looks silly and that’s what you want from a game like this). I’ve seen some people complaining about the difficulty during the last mission, but I didn’t have this problem. Finished the game with ease and probably only had to replay a couple missions.

Content wise I feel there is a decent amount here but I do think it’s a game you have to put down for a bit and then come back. Trying to play it in one sitting would be too boring as there’s not much variation with the missions. It’s basically just race this person or collect this before the time runs out and that’s it.

However despite this, I will still always hold this game close to my heart. It was part of that golden age of games during the PS2 era and if you weren’t there to experience, you really have missed out. Games aren’t the same nowadays

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

I absolutely love this game, it's a gem. I really wish we could get charming Simpsons games again because they were an integral part of me growing up with video games.