I put off playing Dishonored for the longest time due to thinking I wasn't that much of a fan of stealth games, but recently my mate told me to give it a chance. He was right to say so because the way this game handles stealth is so well done. It's not annoying nor is it the be-all and end-all if you do get detected, there are so many ways you can go about taking your enemies down and all them are just as fun as the other. The powers are super fun to use as well and are probably this game's best quality, the way you can just teleport from one ledge to another silently taking out the guards truly does make you feel like some sort of second coming of Ezio. Because I did a stealth run I found myself using blink, dark vision and stop time the most and these were so cool, but the next time I'm going to do an aggressor playthrough and this means even more powers to play around with. What I'm trying to say is, whatever your play style, this game has an answer to it.

Dishonored's story has so much charm and so does its world. The idea of being a royal guard trying to right his name from a falsely accused crime he didn't commit seems like a simple one way plot but it really isn't. There are so many sub plots to the main plot building stories around the characters you interact with through the game meaning if you take your time to read the letters or drop in on conversations, you'll learn even more about this diverse beautifully designed world. This is my first experience with an Arkane game and after experiencing this writing, it won't be the last.

And finally the one thing that stands out the most in this game is its unique but very appealing art design. The different sandboxes you traverse through while in levels are so well designed and clearly have had heart put into them in order to make them as authentic and fun to explore as possible. You could honestly take time from doing your main mission and just go around these areas looking at the different structure and world designs, just taking them in. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface with my first playthrough and I'm still impressed. I for sure will be doing more of this when I come back to this game for a 2nd time, which I inevitably will do.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

So happy you enjoyed it!