The new Gunplay with dual wielding feels great and every weapon has a use even in late game due to splitted ammo repositories.

Some of the levels look really great while others just feel bland. You get sometimes thrown in a gigantic open space and you can start exploring but there is just nothing to explore. Also there are no biomes that you haven`t seen before, you have seen most of the stuff already in Croteams "The Talos Principle". No cool new Planets like in Serious Sam 2, but also not just more Desert like in Serious Sam 3: BFE. It is a step up from BFE, but only if you think that green meadows, weird canyons, an oil rig, a castle and some european streets are amazing levels.
There are some optional quests in the missions, but they dont feel very rewarding and are most of the time just time wasters because the only reward you are getting are gadgets for later one-time use like: Heal 50 HP; Get fast for 15 secs; A clone of you that attracts some of the enemies fire;
Nothing mindblowing and you get all your gadgets stripped before the finale, which is a very bad thing for an endgame hoarder like me.
If you find a secret, it is often also a gadget.

The story is a prequel to BFE - which was also a prequel. So there are no interesting plottwists or something, if you know the end of SS3:BFE. It just starts making no sense cuz the only character that stays in the series is obviously Sam. Why aren`t they doing a proper sequel with some space action like in Serious Sam 2 that had a great variety of levels and characters. It also had more content and came out 16 years ago WTF.

Also the game have so much bugs that you can`t miss.
Here is a small list:
-Horrible popups in many cutscenes and during gameplay
-instantly stopping music instead of a smooth fadeout after nearly every fight
-Some Shader Bugs
- Low FPS in parts with a few enemies, but full fps with 500+ enemies on screen

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Great Review VORTT3X. Looking forward to skip that one!