What isn't there to say about this Amazing Strategy Game! If you have never played a strategy game before this is perfect to be your first.
One thing that Advance Wars does so well is it's Tutorial! It will help you understand the games main mechanics, units you will control, and useful strategies to help you throughout your Campaign.
Another Plus to Advance Wars is it's colorful cast! Not only do they keep the game fresh but they add an extra layer of depth to the games already simple yet deep mechanics with each CO(Commanding Officer) having their own special attributes.
Certain COs will also be more suited for different kinds of battles than others along with CO's having their own Special Power as well called CO Power. COs Also have their own Special Power as well called CO Power. You start off the game with 1 CO but as you play you gain more.
So If you haven't played this GBA title yet go ahead and do so. It's definitely a must play GBA titleband with the 1+2 reboot right around the corner there is no better time to play then now!

Reviewed on May 09, 2022


2 years ago

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