Ok, So this strange PC point and click puzzle adventure game doesn't have ANY reviews it's as obscure as it gets. I played this growing up ans have some great memories with this short little game so I'll leave some words here.


While exploring a museum in Egypt, Annabel stumbles upon an ancient curse that claims an innocent victim every ten years, and she may be next. This causes her to be transported back to the past to relive the struggle of an ancient Egyptian princess that fought against all odds to be with the man she loved. You will have to overcome devious puzzles and magical traps set by her enemies just to get to him. In the end you learn how Annabel was possibly the reincarnation of said princesses so it all comes around by the end.


The usual adventure point and click gameplay. Since this is more of a first person 3d title(very similar to games like myst and Snatcher) you move around with the arrows on the screen and observe certain areas to find items and puzzles you may need to solve. Sometimes you may need to talk to certain characters to find the items you need to progress.

Voice Acting

It's alright. I don't have much else to say on this matter It's a low budget casual pc game I wasn't expecting much here☠️. It's monotone but it get's the job done.

My Thoughts

The game isn't bad at all. It's actually a really well made casual game. I don't think I have anything bad to say about it besides the fact that it was really short you can complete it within 2 or 3 hours, But nothing felt off about this game at all. I throughly enjoyed my time with this game when I was younger and I still do now. Even if the plot is a bit silly the game still presents you with some fun challenges and puzzles to get you to the finale of the game which was also pretty exciting as well.

Overall Score

I'd give Annabel a 3.5/5. While it may not be the best of what Casual gaming has to offer, it still presents itself with a worthwhile experience to kill time as you relive the tale of Anaabel and her struggles to be happy with the man she loves.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2023
