Arkane at the peak of their powers. This game hits the ground running right from the start with one of the best opening sequences (and embedded tutorials) in gaming. The arc of this game from fearful, tentative exploration at the beginning to confident combat toward the end is incredible. The mimic system (and the general enemy design, both sound and visuals) helps create the incredible atmosphere. But the real crowning achievement here is the worldbuilding. Talos 1 feels like a living space ship. Everything is carefully placed and with purpose - you can often imagine the motivations and lives of characters based just on what you find in their living quarters or offices. It's difficult for me to express just how perfectly they nail this. The level design is excellent as well, combined with your toolkit (specifically the ingenious gloo gun), making for a fantastic variety of ways to tackle each problem and enemy encounter. If you're a fan of Dishonored, or Bioshock, or especially Deus Ex or System Shock: PLAY THIS. It is probably the closest to immersive sim perfection I've seen yet.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2021
