This game was just ok. The story was pretty handfisted at points and felt a little bad faith at some points but it didn't feel overly offensive at any point. It just felt like the kinda oh trauma! trauma! trauma! everywhere type story, which can work but if you put it in there just to make it more dramatized it doesn't really work (Like the mom did not need to do what she did, if you know you know). The gameplay was also extremely boring with a crazy confusing and tedious area as the final gameplay section. I can excuse boring gameplay if the story is interesting enough but as said before, it wasn't. I'm giving it credit for being a free game that's just a short little silent hill experience, but if I even had to pay like $20 for it, it'd be a lot lower. some saving grace to the game is that the art is really nice, graphics are good, and there are some cool sections of the game. but that can't save it from being an overall pretty boring and uninteresting game. The game feels like it tries to recapture the old Silent Hill and put in an overly modernized light and it just doesn't really work in that area. This game also seems to rip off PT in a lot of ways which feels bad faith because Kojima left Konami and now they're kinda picking up his creative scraps and that feels really bad faith. Overall, this game is pretty inoffensive but just tries to capture things from before that Konami just can't do again. (4/10)

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
