very fun and charming game. it's really cozy feeling while also being weirdly unsettling at times. the vibe of this game cant really be captured in any other game I've played. It's cute but evil. I loved being able to form and make my servants like how I wanted, I added friends to the game and characters and celebrities alike in animal form just for fun. I loved the slight character that all of the characters in the game had, they were all overall pretty charming. Also being able to have that customization was what added a lot to the cult-building aspect of the game for me. Speaking of which let's talk gameplay. This game is split into two types of games basically that flow with each other nicely. A roguelite action game, and a cozy cult-builder game. Although I didn't do much customizing myself, I appreciated the option to add so many decorations around your cult as it makes it feel much more your own. The cult-builder aspect was pretty fun and had i'd say a perfectly paced progression. On the other hand I also really enjoyed the roguelike elements as well. The combat was simple but still very fun and had enough mechanics to make every run fun and interesting. Ive always kinda had trouble getting into rougelikes and lites, but having this permanent thing to fall back on made me more motivated to get that up to be better at the rougelite mode. It was a very fun and engaging combination of those two different game types. Also the final boss was really cool and fun. Overall very solid and fun experience that I'm glad I played. (8/10)

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
