I am so serious when I say play this game RIGHT NOW

It's an awesome, nifty little game with an interesting world you'll want to get lost in. Even for a black & white Gameboy game, this game goes HARD

It strives in its simplicity. There's little dialogue and character moments, and one of the best parts of the game is that you can pick what characters to bring with you. They all have perks and drawbacks, and part of the fun is learning how they work (which it has a pretty fascinating weapon/magic/equipment mechanic!! its an older game, so playing this with a guide is 100% recommended for sure)

Not only that, but the music slaps!! Some tracks can get a little repetitive, but there's some amazing songs that'll get stuck in your head in the best way and you'll find yourself humming the tunes long after setting the game down.

I've never played Final Fantasy Legend I, but you don't need to in order to understand this game. Honestly, just hop onto this one! It has its own story and lore going on so it provides you with all the context you need.

Even though the story is simple, it really tugged at my heartstrings sometimes... not to mention this has the infamous Ted Woolsy treatment, so some dialogue gets hilariously scuffed.

Boot this game up, smoke some bananas, and enjoy the ride.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
