I remember hearing about this game for YEARS and being really excited that it finally got an English translation. I was really eager to play this.

It's an interesting little gatcha app game in terms of story, but everything else is just you basic gatcha mechanics. There's loads of farming to do for leveling up your characters and their magic abilities which just takes an agonizingly long time to achieve. Having a "speed-up" option to hurry through the farming seems pointless when you could simply go a step further and skip the process entirely. It asks a little too much of your time, in my opinion. It can be fun when you're just starting out, but gets very tiresome the longer you're with it.

I wish the special event stories were a little more interesting, too. I found myself skipping them after a while and not reading anything so I could farm the special thingamabobs I needed for that event.

If there's one thing this gatcha game has going for it, it's that the artwork is REALLY pretty. The quality of the artwork is phenomenal, and I recommend at least looking up what all the special card illustrations look like.

Also. Choosing a "house" to join in the very beginning has absolutely no bearing on anything at all, from what I can tell. I was excited to join one of them, but then realized it didn't matter.

Hmm anything else....

Epel is the best.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
