I didn't play this game for the longest time (maybe 5 or so years after its launch) because I was off-put by the new card battle system they put in it.

Safe to say, it's mostly fun with only a few bits of frustration here and there.

For the pros:

- Interesting mystery unfolds with the story
- Charming art style and pixel art
- Fun battle mechanic: deck building gets fun
- Surprisingly emotional beats in the story
- Interesting "new" characters introduced
- Namine

The cons:

- The beginning of the convoluted Kingdom Hearts plot
- Asinine way to progress through doors and floors in each level (getting screwed over by not having enough/the right random cards to progress)
- Boss battles are hard as hell, especially later in the game. But not in the fun way just in the "sudden random difficulty spike" way
- Required reading to understand the beginning of Kingdom Hearts 2
- Rehashed worlds from KH1 feels a little lazy

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
