3D Mega Man X good.

The platforming is very fun, the weapons are varied and fun to use, and needing to switch weapons depending on the situation makes for good gameplay. Also, the levels themselves are very well designed with shortcuts that take you to the start of the level so that you won't need to waste time backtracking.

The visuals, soundtrack and humor are great, and the story is a good kids movie plot.

For the negatives, it has some issues due to being old. It doesn't have as many checkpoints as it should have, especially in the late game. The camera is not very good, making the combat harder than it should have been.

Finally, I didn't like most of the mandatory minigame sections, with the turret parts being the worse. I liked the spaceship parts though, once I figured how to shoot repeatedly.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

I like your review with the exception of the camera I had a serious problem with the shooting in the game it felt awkward to me. The result was to not using it much and preferring the wrench witch made my life harder until I unlock the Ryno I didn't had fun playing with guns in the game