I want to love TS2.

I found it at exactly the right time: I wasn't fatigued with FPS games at the time, still played quite a bit of Goldeneye 007 with my brothers, still used our Gamecube and Wii almost religiously, and had access to people who were free enough to play four-player split-screen with me.

I was compelled to start a blog about this game when I was ten years old, despite the last game in the series having been released six years beforehand. I wanted to rediscover my love for this game, so I figured I'd try to play what I heard was the best version of it: running on a GameCube emulator, hacked to support mouse injection.

Let me tell you right now: there's a reason I had such a hard time unlocking the brick as a kid. It's hard to quantify when your view of the TV is from the top of a triple bunk bed in your disaster of a room. But playing the game on a screen that's barely a few feet away from my face, it's not a secret: the FOV is pretty narrow, and even on a keyboard and mouse, the controls feel wonky. Again, playing this with a GameCube controller from halfway across the room, I never noticed that.

The sad reality that my nostalgia for this game will never live up to how I play games now is something that's only made me more excited for TimeSplitters Rewind, though.

Reviewed on May 02, 2022
