First of all, let me just get it out there. Virtua Fighter 5 was a great game. But this is one of the laziest ports/re-releases I have ever seen come out of a company. It's so basic it hurts, the content is trash compared to the original PS3/360 releases that are fucking FOURTEEN YEARS OLD as of this writing. Oh, the lighting is better? Who gives a shit.

This game had a wet fart of buildup with esports in big blinking lights and obviously banking on online being popular, so you'd think they would make the online any good? Of course not. Even better, lets put it against Guilty Gear Strive and its rollback netcode and the fact that it's actually a brand new game and not something from literally fifteen years ago.

The worst part of this thing is that the top shitlords at Sega of Japan are going to use this as an excuse to go "oh I guess people don't like Virtua Fighter" and shelve the series eternally. This company deserves every ounce of liquid shit thrown at them.

A damn shame too, I liked this series.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
