Dynasty Warriors was always one of those games I would play on easy mode and just sit back and relax as I go on a power trip annihilating everyone in my way with rad music blasting in the background, this one is no exception.

The move sets are more diverse from the last game and the graphics are less grainy from 3, but unfortunately there's some stuff that set it back a bit. The main thing I'm talking about of course is the dueling mechanic. It sucks, it adds too much wasted time and it's basically just a cheap 1v1 against an enemy officer that constantly pulls musou moves out of its ass. It's very anti-fun. You can skip them and refuse at least, but then your army gets a morale drop but at least if you're playing on easy it's simple to just wipe the floor with your enemy in the standard battlefield affair and make up for that loss.

There's also a lot of map layout reuse in this one, and musou mode is now faction-dependent rather than every character having their own thing.

The soundtrack though is absolutely my favorite in the series, one of my minor complaints about DW3 was that the music was great but looped a bit too quickly for battles that would sometimes take a while. Here they fixed that and now the soundtrack absolutely fucking wrecks.

Take. A Fucking. Gander.

Please listen if you have the time. 4 isn't the best of the PS2 era of Musou games, but god that fucking music...IT'S SO FUCKING COOL.

I will gush about this shit for eternity okay? Deal with it.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2022


1 year ago

I wanted to mention I also literally did what you did growing up and played the third through fifth games on easy since the initial notion of just being a literal force of nature was extremely satisfying back then. I never really stepped into the actual difficulty into the games until recently replaying them as I did now but it's nice to see an appreciation for the series that share the same sentimental value I have.

1 year ago

Yeah, this game's music and entire "god mode" feel on easy was basically my crack back then. It's kinda funny how I ended up appreciating 3 more later once I realized how hard it was lol.