This is when sports games were fucking sports games. Look at these titles! "Baseball", "Basketball", "Football"...not this "Madden" shit. Just plain-ass, normal, everyday, no question about it, no NFL, no year, not named after a player, not named after a coach, not named after the referee's pet goldfish, no quarterback, dime-back, Nickelback, simple, ordinary, unembellished, unmistakable, crystal clear, as frank as Frankenstein, as blunt as an atom bomb, one compound word: it's mother fucking, goddamned, sons-of-bitchin', fuck-fuck-fucking FOOTBALL!

Smashes cartridge into slot so hard it shakes the entire fucking planet

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2022


2 years ago

football football football

2 years ago

Madden, Madden, Madden. Madden '91, Madden '92, Madden '93, (He starts going through the titles rapidly) Madden '94, Madden '95, Madden '96, Madden '97, Madden '98, Madden '99, Madden 2000, Madden 2001, Madden 2002, Madden 2003-- WHO THE FUCK IS JOHN MADDEN ANYWAY?! He doesn't even look like an athlete!

2 years ago

goddamn football