Capcom Classics Collection Revisits #4

Playing this not long after 1941 Counter Attack is probably the worst thing my randomizer could've done with my list besides putting Trojan and Street Fighter 1 right next to each other.

The very first game in Capcom's 19XX series is incredibly humble, you play as Totally Not A P-38 Lightning on a quest to destroy Tokyo (apparently). In the meantime some asshole is busy tooting his whistle and slapping a bunch of cardboard paper towel tubes together for your entire trip. Horrendous. Despicable. The environments really don't mix up a lot, and you'll be fighting the same palette swaps of enemy planes for about ten hours by the time you might reach the end of the game. I was actually shocked that there are bosses in this game, because it took like fifteen days for one of them to show up. They're not that impressive anyway, they're all just the same bigger bomber plane that shoots spread shots behind it.

Seriously, I feel like an actual flight to Tokyo from America would be quicker than 1cc'ing this game. The combination of the game's drag factor, and my increasing urge to track down the composer and fire them out of a cannon and into the pacific is the only reason I stopped playing. The game was better than I remember, but I still really don't care for it. Thank christ I didn't grow up with the trash NES port.

I'm sorry for going "the game is old", but the game is old. Maybe if that asshole stopped his fucking whistling I might've appreciated it a bit better.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2022


1 year ago

Screwed around in this recently and thought it was pretty good for the, like, five minutes I played it.

1 year ago

Yeah, game is fine if you're like actually at an arcade and pop a coin in, otherwise it's kinda miserable for any longer than a curiosity.